Hucrest Booster Club
The Hucrest Booster Club usually meets the first Tuesday of the month in the Hucrest Library (unless it is Book Fair time and then we find another spot!)
For more information, please contact us on Facebook at Hucrest Booster Club or email at
General Information about Booster Club:
Hucrest Elementary has a very active Booster Club. When walking through the hallways, you will notice numerous parents helping in classrooms and giving much needed attention to the student's needs. These positive actions create an enriched environment which affects the student's learning and love of school.
The Booster Club helps support classroom and student needs, books for the library, playground equipment, math and science nights, grade-level fieldtrips, classroom equipment, and the Positive Behavior Program. The fundraisers for these programs are our School Carnival, our Family Bingo Night in February, our Annual dinner/Auction, and finally our Fund$ Run in May.
The Hucrest Booster Club provides the opportunity for parents and teachers to work together, share ideas, and take action in the children's education. All parents are encouraged to take an active part in this organization. Every small effort and contribution is greatly appreciated.